Finally Learn What You’ve Been Avoiding in Your Business

Become strong in those places where you struggle as a business owner.

As Business Owners, we ALL have a tendency to “fake it ’til we make it”. And that gets us some mileage… But the day has come for you to stop. It’s impacting your business AND your life. How much longer are you going to pay the price of those knowledge gaps?


Sure, there are plenty of books you could read, workshops you could take, and years you could spend on it all… But who has that kind of time, when business doesn’t simply STOP while you level up?

What if you had a clear ROADMAP that could help you navigate all of that?

All you need to do is learn some of the fundamentals that you’ve either been avoiding…
Or you’ve been passing them off to others with the hope that they’ll do it like you want, but maybe you barely even know what that looks like.

You could just keep doing what you’re doing... And get more of what you already have...

If you’re lucky.

Or You Could Step Into a Clear System to Close the Gaps...

Tap each topic to see how the Clearing Obstacles Roadmap has brought success to others like you, for WINS like...

Getting Out of Overwhelm – Fully integrate the concepts of self-management and
productivity into the daily routines and systems that will bring order to the chaos.

Continue to improve the financial clarity you need, so you can know what results your efforts are producing, how, and why.

Build and sustain a culture of people who care about their role, your vision, and how they actually align.

 Firm up your marketing and sales strategies to actually plan and manifest the revenue you need to achieve your vision this year… and next year.

Build, tighten up, and ensure the systems you use to run every aspect of your business are clear enough to delegate, and ease your worry about it being done the way you would do it yourself, if you only had the time and energy.

Embody the leadership that your people crave in their day-to-day experience of their work.

Transformations with Best Self Coaching:

Real Stories

“Thanks again for all your help so far, Dan. I wouldn't have made the progress I did this year without your help.”
Simon Cooper
Landscaping Artist, SC Gardening - Belfast, Ireland
"Dan inspired and motivated me to press beyond the fundamentals of running a business while holding me accountable to my vision. Dan’s ability to bring awareness and pull information is a talent. One I’m learning to use with our employees. We’ve created a culture of care with exceptional results which are measurable. My average tenure of employees is over 10 years. With that, comes great confidence which allows me the freedoms I dreamed of when I started my company 25 years ago in the spare bedroom of my home."
Tom Pepple
Founder & President, Retail Profit Systems - Medford, Oregon - USA
“I like how Dan is no-nonsense. I need someone to keep me in line who won’t let me push them around. He's very organized, which I like, because I can learn from him. He is also very structured in each coaching session & clear about what I need to do before our next one.”
Anthony Dohrman
Owner, Quick Quotes - Eastland, New Zealand
"Working with Dan has been exponentially beneficial in uncovering paths in business planning, organization and growth. His deep-seated wisdom easily translates to a genuine understanding of even my most niche and specific industry. Dan has helped me differentiate distractions from opportunities, while refining focus of my business vision and goals.”
Chase Simonds
Live Experience Producer, Anticipate Productions - Los Angeles, CA
"Business coaching with Dan is not just about strategies and systems; It's about transforming lives and businesses. He will truly find a way to help you find your Best Self, promoting the leader in you who is not only successful in business, but is also fulfilled in your personal life. Today I consider Dan not only a coach and mentor, but also a friend - I am forever grateful for our time together."
KC Cranford
CEO, PowerMeans Electric - Texas, USA

"I finally feel like me again."

Steve Dolha
Owner, Solgistic Solutions, Inc.

Your Choice of Solutions...

When you purchase a subscription to the Business Base Camp tier of the Clearing Obstacles Roadmap, you get  instant access to the Materials and the Community.

Once you’ve completed the first three sections, you’ll be able to pick and choose from the buffet of content that YOU find most useful right now. You’ll get a self-guided, self-paced structure that allows you to navigate the processes and disciplines as you see fit, for your own learning style and your own needs.

Without a doubt, you’ll get further, faster – And you’ll feel the results in your business and your life if you’re dedicated and hold up your end of the bargain.

… Having a Coach helps make it easier to do that, because we tie it all to what’s important to you:
Your motivation & momentum become its own flywheel.


You’ll have access to Quarterly Mastermind Groups with other Best Self Coaching Clients, where we will drill down on a specific topic and collaborate with others to get you that extra “umph”, when you feel like you need to hit the turbo on your progress.
The Clearing Obstacles Summit level is for those who don’t have any more time to waste.
It’s everything you get in the Ascent Level, plus:
Simply put, it will require a lot more of you. But the results will match your investment. Buckle up if you want to attempt the Summit

Clearing Obstacles Roadmap

Packages and Pricing