Rights & Responsibilities: A Story of Balance

Rights vs. Responsibilities Jared was just beside himself. The moment our coaching call started, he launched right into a panting tirade. His employees were all furious about his General Manager, Carla. They had filed into his office, one-by-one, throughout the week, complaining about her. “She’s always up in my business!” “I can’t work with her … Read More

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You vs. You

Who Will Win? It doesn’t matter if you have been on a self-improvement journey your whole life, or just since you made your resolutions on January 1st. It’s You vs. You in a battle royale. This contest is so important to understand, because for the rest of your life you will be challenged with one … Read More

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What’s 5. Why’s 9.

You’re right. There are no question marks in that title. In the world of leadership development, self-development, and business development, we are charged with discovering and improving our circumstances relative to any of those disciplines. That is to say, if you are working on yourself, you have to actually ask yourself questions to diagnose your … Read More

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